Thinking about self-love and self-care

Real Talk: Self-Love & Self-Care

November 6, 2017

It’s great to see that self- love is something that is being increasingly focused on in the media, we all know how important self-love and self-care are so it’s wonderful to see so many people being open and honest and prioritising their mental health and wellbeing.

self love - if I asked you to name all the things you love how long would it take you to name yourself

The idea of this post came to me recently after looking through photos from 10 years ago, I realised, depressingly, that the girl in those photos was overly concerned with and unhappy about her looks in a way that I still am from time to time today. I then had the even more depressing realisation that I have been on some kind of diet / restricted eating or exercise ‘kick’ for at least the last 10 years – just thinking about that is exhausting.

Self love - atticus poem - we drink the poison our mind pours usLike many people, I have good days and bad days with self-love and self-acceptance. I am lucky enough to have a boyfriend who makes me feel beautiful and secure but, as we all know, sometimes that’s not enough. Getting into a black hole of insecurity is never fun and spirals into anxiety and just generally feeling low. At this time of year in particular I am hyper-aware of my mood fluctuations and try and make a real effort to be positive and stop being my worst critic.

Here are some little things I do to boost my mood when I’m feeling insecure – a little self-love goes a long way!

  • Buy new PJs – Does anyone else find that a brand new pair of PJs instantly makes them feel a bit cheerier?
  • Experiment with makeup – Sometimes, even if I’m not going out, I like to sit in front of the mirror with all my products experimenting with new makeup looks. It’s almost a way to practice mindfulness as I’m so present in the moment and not thinking about anything other than the task in hand.
  • A home facial – Even if I’m feeling down on myself if I’ve given my skin a treat I feel a bit better. A good exfoliate followed by a sheet mask and some face oils always cheers me up. Check out some of my fave skincare products here.
  • Do something creative – Any kind of creative outlet always boosts my mood. I tend to sketch or hand-letter as all I need is paper and a pen.

I’ve decided that I need to spend the last few years of my 20s (that’s slightly terrifying eek!) practising self-love and self-care and really trying to appreciate my body and remember all the incredible things it can do. Embracing it, not as some separate entity ‘my body’ – my body isn’t mine, it’s me.  Self love - Perhaps we should love ourselves fiercelyLove, Sarah x

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